Get the Money You Deserve
We reduce claim process time and improve collections.
We work with your practice to ensure that the first claim submission is a clean one, and keep on working that claim until it is paid. Our days in AR beat industry benchmarks, as reported by the Medical Group Management Association.
We understand payment rules.
Experienced trained staff, including certified coders, quickly identify areas of concern and work to develop action plans to optimize your reimbursement.
Achieve Peace of Mind
Redirect Your Energy.
When you are no longer being held down by issues related to billing, you can find the time and energy to focus on what you do best: caring for patients.
Access to Trained Billers.
Our Training Program provides both initial and ongoing education, ensuring staff is knowledgeable about all aspects of billing.
Gain a Deeper Knowledge of Your Practice
Access to comprehensive information.
We provide detailed monthly reporting that can be customized to your practice. It provides a wealth of information about how your practice is functioning. We don’t just provide reports, we work with you to interpret and analyze data so you can use this information to improve your financial performance.
Information on revenue enhancement opportunities.
We help you understand how to access additional revenue through incentive programs designed to reward quality.